Keynote spreker Wordcamp NL: Frederick Townes

Frederick Townes zal tijdens Wordcamp NL verschillende malen langskomen. Als eerste neemt hij  de Keynote voor zijn rekening tijdens onze Wordcamp van 2010. In het middagprogramma heeft hij samen met Roy Huiskes een presentatie over SEO en website (snelheid) optimalisatie en het ligt in de planning dat Frederick de dag afsluit door sprekers en bezoekers te interviewen over hoe zij deze dag beleefd hebben. Velen zullen Frederick kennen van The WordPress Podcast die hij samen met Joost de Valk doet, waarin hij verschillende WordPress professionals interviewde.

Een korte bio over Frederick:

Frederick Townes is the Chief Technical Officer of, one of the top 3 blogs worldwide. As designer, search / social media marketer and WordPress consultant Frederick’s projects are typically based on WordPress. One of his largest contributions to the WordPress community was his performance plugin W3 Total Cache.

Since 2003 his agency W3 EDGE has assisted startups and brands like: Smashing Magazine, CVS Pharmacy, Hyatt, Kodak, Microsoft, Sanyo, Sherwin Williams, Southwest Airlines, Staples, Sony, R.E.I., Weight Watchers, Yahoo and others.

A serial web entrepreneur, one of Frederick’s latest projects was W3 MARKUP. Quickly rising to the #2 web site production outsourcing services in 2008, W3 MARKUP was so disruptive it was acquired by the market leader after 11 short months.

About Remkus de Vries

WordPress veteran and performance specialist. I'll help you grow your WordPress + WooCommerce sites & scale your business Co-Founder and Organizer of WordCamp Netherlands and WordCamp Europe. Also Team-lead for WordPress Netherlands. Learn more about me via my site or find me on Twitter.
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